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片名:巴尔的摩 发布时间:2024-06-29


◎译  名 巴尔的摩/Rose's War

◎片  名 Baltimore

◎年  代 2023

◎产  地 爱尔兰/英国

◎类  别 惊悚

◎语  言 英语

◎字  幕 中字

◎上映日期 2023-09-01(特柳赖德电影节)

◎IMDb评分  5.8/10 from 444 users

◎豆瓣评分 0/10 from 0 users

◎整理链接 https://www.bt-tt.com

◎片  长 95分钟

◎导  演 Joe Lawlor

      Christine Molloy

◎演  员 汤姆-沃恩-劳勒 Tom Vaughan-Lawlor

      伊莫琴·普茨 Imogen Poots

      德里克·卡罗尔 Derek Carroll


◎简  介


  The latest by powerhouse artist-filmmaker duo Christine Molloy and Joe Lawlor picks up a thread from their last film THE FUTURE TENSE, a soulful investigation of Ireland’s tumultuous history. Here, using the form of a heist movie, they tell the true story of Rose Dugdale (played by Imogen Poots), a young heiress who rebelled against her English aristocratic upbringing to volunteer with the Irish Republican Army. In 1974, Dugdale and her collaborators swiped 19 paintings—including Rubens, Goya, and Vermeer—from a private home, using these treasures as leverage for the liberation of four IRA prisoners. Lawlor and Molloy’s highly atmospheric thriller plunges us into the Troubles with heart-stopping intensity, and Poots is riveting as the revolutionary. Beneath her radical facade, we see her fragility and inner turmoil, as she wrestles with appreciation for the beautiful artifacts of a world she has set out to destroy, and the fear of the chaos she has unleashed.



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